Heating sources for some type of vaporizers

Heating Sources



Conduction Heating

Conduction heating works by utilizing direct contact of the herb with an electrically heated surface, often times solid metal or a screen. A common problem with vaporizers like this is burning of the herb due to poor heat distribution. It is very difficult to regulate the temperature with vaporizers that use conduction. Included in this category are e-cigs, vaporizer pens, and a majority of portable vaporizers currently on the market.

Convection Heating

Convection heating, on the other hand, works by passing precisely heated air over the dried herb, vaporizing the material more evenly and efficiently. This makes convection heating the preferred choice for many patients looking to get the most out of their vaporization experience. The herb never comes in touch with the heating part; instead air is either forced by a fan, or through inhalation, over the herbs and through the delivery system. Heating part for convection vaporizers are typically made out of ceramic, though some are made out of stainless steel or other types of metal. Ceramic heating part retain heat extremely well and are unaffected by cool air drawn through the system.

Radiant / Infrared Heating

Radiation vaporizers use radiant energy either produced by electricity or a light source to provide heat. The herb absorbs the radiant energy, increasing in temperature until its components vaporize. These types of vaporizers are more rare, and are on par with convection vapes in term of quality of vapor produAt the same time, the hot screen emits infrared rays that transfer additional heat across the herb.